

About me


I'm Chao (Jeremy) FENG. I graduated from the School of Management of Fudan University in 2024 with a Master's degree in Data Science and Business Analytics program (Master of Applied Statistics). Before this, I obtained my Bachelor's degree in Economics from School of Economics, Xiamen University in 2022 as an honored graduate of International Undergraduate Experimental Class of Finance.

My career interests are quantitative researcher and data scientist. I am also interested in quantitative development. I can be a quick learner for new softwares and technical tools.

I enjoy exchanging knowledge and experience with others. I really appreciate those who are dedicated in spreading knowledge.

I strongly agree with the following motto:

(Probably) Said by Benjamin Franklin

Tell me and I forget;

teach me and I remember;

involve me and I learn.

In my spare time, I enjoy reading and outing activities.


About this site

The motivation for building this site

  • To get a deeper understanding of knowledge. Taking study notes and organizing them makes the knowledge truly mine.

  • To help me and others find useful knowledge, as I have gained from the knowledge shared by so many kind-hearted people.

For myself, the content on this site can help me quickly search for the knowledge and code I need. It has already greatly improved my learning and working efficiency.

For others, I would be very happy if someone is inspired by the content I shared.

Permission to reproduce

This site is licensed under CC-BY-SA-4.0. Unless otherwise indicated, all content on this site is originally created by Chao (Jeremy) FENG. Anyone may reproduce it, provided that the following reference is explicitly added:

